The Importance of a Beginner's Mind in Photography
Tutorial Mikko Lagerstedt Tutorial Mikko Lagerstedt

The Importance of a Beginner's Mind in Photography

Discover how embracing a beginner's mind has shaped my photography journey and learn how this powerful mindset can unlock your creative potential. In this post, we'll explore the importance of curiosity, stepping out of your comfort zone, learning from mistakes, seeking feedback, and practicing mindfulness. Join me in cultivating a beginner's mind to elevate your photography skills and find inspiration in every shot.

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Capturing the Beauty of Everyday Landscapes
Tutorial Mikko Lagerstedt Tutorial Mikko Lagerstedt

Capturing the Beauty of Everyday Landscapes

In my journey to capture the beauty of everyday landscapes, I've realized that it's not always about traveling far and wide to find breathtaking views. Instead, it's about opening my eyes to the hidden beauty in the world around me, even in the most ordinary places. As I explore my surroundings, I've learned to be more observant. In this blog post, I'll cover several topics that have helped me capture the beauty of everyday landscapes.

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Have You Lost Your Inspiration For Photography? A Toolkit to Find Your Inspiration Back.
Tutorial Mikko Lagerstedt Tutorial Mikko Lagerstedt

Have You Lost Your Inspiration For Photography? A Toolkit to Find Your Inspiration Back.

I provide a toolkit of ten tips for photographers and creatives who have lost their inspiration, including being ready for inspiration, trying new techniques or subjects, getting out of your comfort zone, finding new topics, journaling, seeking inspiration elsewhere, opening your mind, planning a trip, collaborating with others, and seeking new experiences.

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Unlock Your Photography Potential
Tutorial, Resources Mikko Lagerstedt Tutorial, Resources Mikko Lagerstedt

Unlock Your Photography Potential

Set attainable photography goals to keep growing and improving. By setting specific goals, you'll stay motivated and inspired. Reflect on past experiences, break goals into smaller steps, and track progress in a journal. Experiment with different techniques and styles, and seek feedback to help you improve.

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The Art Of Capturing Winter Fog Photography
Tutorial Mikko Lagerstedt Tutorial Mikko Lagerstedt

The Art Of Capturing Winter Fog Photography

I will guide you through capturing stunning winter fog photographs in this post. You'll learn about finding the right location, choosing the right time of day, using a tripod, experimenting with white balance and compositions, using a polarizing filter, and editing in Lightroom. Let's get started!

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Editing Minimalistic Photography in Lightroom
Tutorial Mikko Lagerstedt Tutorial Mikko Lagerstedt

Editing Minimalistic Photography in Lightroom

Let's talk about how to edit minimalistic photographs in Lightroom. As you may know, I often use The Epic Preset collection to edit my photography because it saves me time and gives me a style I enjoy. But in this tutorial, I show you how I edit my minimalistic photographs in Lightroom if I don't use my presets.

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Minimalistic Photography
Tutorial Mikko Lagerstedt Tutorial Mikko Lagerstedt

Minimalistic Photography

So what does minimalistic photography include? Minimalistic photography is a style of photography that focuses on simplicity and minimalism. In this kind of photography, simple compositions, clean lines, and a limited color palette make it unique.

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